Sunday, May 22, 2011

pilihan antara hidup n mati....

Apa yg anda bayangkn ngn pilihan antara hidup n mati nih??? hehee.....

If u want to know more......teruskan membaceee........

Look at the picture above?? ape tuh?? xtau kerr?? rings juz a simbolik....sebenarnye...aku nk cite sal penyatuan 2 jiwa....2 cincin kat atas ni cm simbol 2 hati bersatu.....

dan...ape pulak kaitan cincin nih ngan pilihan hidup n mati??? yess!! i know...msti sume tertanya2....let me tell u....this is my opinion....n sesetengah org ade opinion yg berlainan...

Pilihan hidup n mati...percaturan untuk selamanya...... means....WEDDING!!!...

Bila sebut wedding.....sume da tertangkap dlm fikiran...menamatkn zaman bujang....n persoalannye....nak menamatkan zaman bujang bukanlah perkara yang senang oke!!...

Nak tau kenape aku ckp bukan bende yg senang?? yela...kahwin bukan ley maen redah jeppp...mesti la kene carik calon yg betul2 kan....

n persoalan lagi...cane nk carik calon tuh??? tp bg aku...sume 2 akan datang seiring ngn waktu....bile mase nye tibe....akan datang la sume 2....juz doa n yakin jeppp....

For me....nak carik calon suami ni....just need the simple one...xperlu terlalu hotzz!!....ssh nk jage kot...nnti jd rebutan...isshh...merane den....i just hope to meet someone that can make me feel perfect...not someone perfect!! one is perfect....someone that can make me feel comfortable, safe and respect me as a woman......

dan yg plg penting kejujuran n keikhlasan......n of coz kasih sayang yg xkn pernah pudar hingga ke akhir hayat.....

The point is......ape yg di impikan 2 akan dapat ker?? opppsss!!! hope jgn putus2 berdoa n berharap....

Actually...bile sebut je sal WEDDING...perasaan yg sgt takut muncul....i dont know why...huhh!!

Maybe sbb zaman skrg nih ramai sgt kot kawin n then cerai....agaknye ape sbbnye?? xtahan ngn dugaan alam prkahwinan kerr?? or x tahan godaan pompuan2 cantik kt luar sane?? (khas utk lelaki)...pompuan pn same....huhuhu...MENAKUTKN BETUL X??

kalo berkahwin n end up ngn bende yg sangat menyakitkan...ape gune sebuah perkahwinan tuh??? thing....kene selalu yakin ngn kuasa Tuhan...sume yg terjadi pasti ade kite kene carik jalan penyelesaian yg terbaek b4 akhiri ngn sesuatu yg sgt menakutkn...huhuhu....

Tgk mak ayah kt punye perkahwinan....kekal smpai akhir hayat..canne eh nk jd camtuh??? mmmm.....xtau la kan...

perkahwinan should be something beautiful...penyatuan 2 hati...perkongsian 2 jiwaa.....n sepatutnye...kasih sayang yg berkekalan hingga akhir hayat......hope n pray that i will have this beautiful wedding.....

Berangan jeppp xsalah kn??? sume org ptt fikir sal ni...lagipun...umo bukan makin mude....da tue nih...hehehe...umo cm aku nih da ptt beranak 3 da....hahaha....

thats alll about pilihan hidup n mati...daaaa.... <3

friendship and love?? what are those??

When we talk about friendship.....slalu org akan bayangkn...kawan baek...kawan rapat....of BFF (best frends forever)....yup...thats rite....but BFF slalu nye di kalangan girls.....kalo friendship between boy n girl?? then what we can call it?? dulu...aku slalu denga org ckp...boy n girl xkn ley kawan baek punye...xde istilah friendship between a boy and a girl....aku x caye salahnye....then...when it happen to realized....sume kate2 2 ade betulnye...

lets start with the 1st true story of my life.....

i have a good friend...a boy...we share a lot things together....we share the things that we like and don't...even the girl that he comes to have nice friendship with him...but later turns to somethings different....the girl that he like doesnt like him (something like that la)....then, he always said..."kalo sy xdpt die...awk kn ade"..and always said..."sudi x awk jd gf sy??" what the??? but....i refused....n!! of course...u dont love me....we are friends can u say that such things!!....but....die slalu wat aku smkin hari smakin ska kt die...n thats the things yg aku xley deny...yes!! i fall finally....yesh!! thank you for making me feel stupid....we never been declared as lovers...but....die slalu bg harapan...then...bile die dpt that girl....he left me without words!! then...bile girl 2 sakitkn die...die dtg lg bg harapan kt aku...then i decide!! awk mmg x ikhlas kwn ngn sy....juz anggap sy tempat utk awk lupekn org yg awk syg...damn!!! get lose...i dont need a friend like u....but perasaan syg aku kt die mmg kuat even die wat mcm2 kt aku...maybe sbb dr friendship turn to seems to be something different n xkn dpt last...die dpt girl 2...n...aku slalu doakn yg terbaek utk die...walaupn rase cm diperbodohkn spjg mase...then...ley ckp nk tgk aku bahagia ngn someone else...can u guys ever think what i feel???? die wat aku cmni...the....ley ckp cam2?? tp skrg....aku xnk pk sal die lg....die da jd kenangan lepas...after this...kalo same thing happen kt die lg...pandai2 la idup....

dr cite ni.....aku sedar...mmg friendship boley turn to love..but...friendship dlm kesah aku kt atas ni dh dikhianati...n i hate it....

the 2nd true story...

errr....ade kerr?? hehee...sbnrnye kesah ni br nk bermule...thats it...xde pape yg nk diceritakan....hope everything is okay....(^_^)....pray for me ya!!

only me n u (mimi).....

guess what??? my little kitty....MIMI....comel kn??? wellll.....aku skrg nih ngah kebosanan tahap gaban...da xtau nk watpe...lgpn mmg da lame sgt kn x update blog nih...aku plak ngh keseorangan.....housemate sume blk....tggl aku n mimi jela skrg...FYP punye fasal...terpkse la korban cket...huhuhu.....

naseb baek ade si kecik nih...dok melayan die jela...hehehe....ntah2 die pn bosan dok ngadap muke aku nih......

progress setel 30% kot...huhuhu...masih jauh perjalanan...hope everything will be fine....(^_^)....

Saturday, May 21, 2011

oh my god!!! i cant believe this...(^_^)....

I can't believe this will happen to me....i should admit this:


I knew you has stalking may blog....n if u read this...its okay...still feel like blushing (^_^)....but u said...we will share everything...rite?? so....i will let u know what i feel....

n i want to thank you to make me feel this way....u know...i always denying this...i dont know why...maybe because u r my frend...n i didnt aspects a friend will become more than a friend...

n now!!...i will not refuse if it will become more than that....BUT.... we still need time....we have a longgg time to go..rite??? let it come naturally.....smoothly...i even cant express it with come2 to be speechless....OMG....

days...after days....the percentage is increasing.....n i wondering...this is a good sign for me??? admit...i feel something different about you.....n if this is something good for both of us....i pray it will long lasting....(^_^)....

and when the FAITH makes all things possible.....LOVE make them easy.....

i miss him too.....

Look at this cute boy......

Allah lebey sayangkn adik Amir...die pergi sewaktu usia yg sangat muda....2 tahun.....pergi mengadap ilahi dalam keadaan yang masih bersih dan suci dari dosa n noda...moga Allah berikan tempat yang baek kepadanya....

Allahyarham meninggal sebab mengidap penyakit tumor otak....tumor dlm otaknye mmg da ade dr dlm rahim lg....tapi...Amir seorg yg kuat tahan sakit..walaupn hanya berusia beberapa bulan...die boley bertahan hingga 2 tahun....

kesian....sengsara sangat tgk die keluar masuk hospital....kepala kene operate..masuk tiub...sangat sakit utk kanak2 seusia die hadapi....

dan....pemergiannya sangat dirasai.....

aku selalu merinduimu Adik Amir....

i miss him......

Dari form 1 sampai skrg...aku da blaja dok berjauhan ngn family aku....bile aku balik rumah....saat aku bukak pertama yang aku tgk dalam umah adalah tokki....duduk atas kerusi panjang kt ruang tamu....tapi skrg....bile aku balik rumah....kerusi panjang 2 kosong.....aku sangat hiba...tapi aku tutup kehibaan aku 2...aku tau....tokki pn xkn ska aku sedey...cume...aku sangat rindukan die.....

Kekesalan yang tersangat...saat die hembuskn nafas terakhir...aku xde disisi....belum sempat aku balas segala pengorbanan die....belum sempat aku memohon maaf atas keterlanjuran aku berkata....

Aku sampai rumah....mayat dah pun terbujur kaku....tapi inilah takdir...yang hidup pasti akan mati.....

Aku sangat rapat ngn tokki....die membesarkn aku saat ibu bapa aku mencari rezki utk kami.....dari aku kecik...smpai aku besar....tapi aku slalu jugak lawan ckp die...xdengar ckp die...aku sgt sedey bile ingt sume 2...terlalu sedey.....maafkn yaya, tokki....

ya ALLAH...tempatkan allahyarham di tempat yang mulia di sisimu....Ameennn.....