Next stage of life?? ape yg bermain d fikiran anda?
next stage of life = means ape yg korg akan buat, akan jadi lepas future....
actually juz wanna share what i feel about my future....
future yg masih jauh ke depan..xnampak lg hala tuju ke mana....
tp perancangan 2 mmg ada....n perlu ada bg setiap manusia kot...mmm..lebey kurang mcm angan2 mat jenin jugak xsalah...sbb tiap sesuatu mesti bermula ngn angan2....juz jgn berangan atas pokok jerr...kang jatuh pokok plak....heeeeee....juz kiddin'..... as students.....almost 6 years brhempas pulas belajar smpai akhirnya skrg da final year...Alhamdulillah....hope everything will be okay....
The NEXT stage = working of coz!!....da x larat nk blaja...da pecah pale da blaja...hehee.....

lepas ni kene carik kerja...pas2 kerja n kerja...kumpul duit plak...mmm...persoalannya...senang ke susah rezeki aku nk dpt keje nnti?? huhuhu...takut....
Insyaallah..rezki ade d mane2....bile da kerja...d 1st thing nk wat....nk kurangkn beban family aku...dsebabkn adik2 aku masih belajar lg....ley la aku tggung die cket2....
n pas2...aku nk kumpul aset @ harta...welll.....pompuan pn perlu kumpul aset sekarang ni....jgn harap kat laki korg je future...kt xtau lg apa akan prepared....:)
aku nk beli kereta n rumah dulu.....thats the most important things....mmmm.....aku nak miliki sume 2 dengan hasil titik peluh aku sndiri...

the NEXT stage = married.....weehuuuuu!!! takut woooo.....
get married with someone that ALLAH gives u....have children after that....what a beautiful life...(^_^)....but marriage isn't simple....needs a lot of thing to considered....
what i'm dream of = have a happy family.....(^_^)

Having children with the spouse that ALLAH sent to me....what a beautiful life....cant wait for the moment i will become a mother...hahahaaa...(naluri ibu kuat la konon)
the NEXT stage = grow older with my children by my side.....
the NEXT stage = mati....hope akan mati dlm Iman...insyaallah....
the NEXT stage = hope to see everyone i love in heaven....(^_^)
mcm g2 la kehidupan kat dunia ni...yg akhirnya akan mati jugak....
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