lets start with the 1st true story of my life.....
i have a good friend...a boy...we share a lot things together....we share the things that we like and don't...even the girl that he like.....it comes to have nice friendship with him...but later on.....it turns to somethings different....the girl that he like doesnt like him (something like that la)....then, he always said..."kalo sy xdpt die...awk kn ade"..and always said..."sudi x awk jd gf sy??" what the??? but....i refused....n said...no!! of course...u dont love me....we are friends rite...how can u say that such things!!....but....die slalu wat aku smkin hari smakin ska kt die...n thats the things yg aku xley deny...yes!! i fall finally....yesh!! thank you for making me feel stupid....we never been declared as lovers...but....die slalu bg harapan...then...bile die dpt that girl....he left me without words!! then...bile girl 2 sakitkn die...die dtg lg bg harapan kt aku...then i decide!! awk mmg x ikhlas kwn ngn sy....juz anggap sy tempat utk awk lupekn org yg awk syg...damn!!! get lose...i dont need a friend like u....but perasaan syg aku kt die mmg kuat even die wat mcm2 kt aku...maybe sbb dr friendship turn to love...it seems to be something different n xkn dpt dilupakan....at last...die dpt girl 2...n...aku slalu doakn yg terbaek utk die...walaupn rase cm diperbodohkn spjg mase...then...ley ckp nk tgk aku bahagia ngn someone else...can u guys ever think what i feel???? die wat aku cmni...the....ley ckp cam2?? tp skrg....aku xnk pk sal die lg....die da jd kenangan lepas...after this...kalo same thing happen kt die lg...pandai2 la idup....
dr cite ni.....aku sedar...mmg friendship boley turn to love..but...friendship dlm kesah aku kt atas ni dh dikhianati...n i hate it....
the 2nd true story...
errr....ade kerr?? hehee...sbnrnye kesah ni br nk bermule...thats it...xde pape yg nk diceritakan....hope everything is okay....(^_^)....pray for me ya!!
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